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Poetry & Form

Editor‘s Pick

Robert Hass. Poetry, inside out. Starting with one line, then couplets, then every aspect of meaning + form. An ultimate guide for advanced writers and poets.

Editor‘s Pick

The Making of a Poem. A primer on the technics of poetry, with rich examples and a lucid text. Highly recommended.

Editor‘s Pick

The Hatred of Poetry. Phucking awesome. BUY this today. Right now.

Alfred Corn's masterpiece on the art and science of poetic meter.

New book with interesting perspective; I just ordered it and will review soon

Mary Oliver's ”Rules for the Dance“ A handbook for Writing and Reading Metrical Verse

The other well-known Oliver book for poets

Hirsch is authoritative

Poet Laureate Pinsky on the physical, sonic, dancing nature of poetry. A beautiful book.

The convergence of meter and idiomatic speech. Bright, accessible writing.

The Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics, Including Odd and Invented Forms. Authoritative reference.

Classic text, rich and meaty. How your memories and passions become poetry.

Lit crit serious, on the end game of a poem. Surprising.

“The Triggering Town: Lectures and Essays on Poetry and Writing”. Excentric, charmimng essays

“Poems of the Late T'ang” (NYRB Classics)

“The Waste Land and Other Poems (Annotated)” — T.S. Eliot

Editor‘s Pick

“The Odyssey” translated by Robert Fagles. The definitive, modern, and eloquent translation of translations.

“The Epic of Gilgamesh.” The well-regarded translation by Stephen Mitchell. We are all Enkidu.

The Norton Anthology of Poetry, 5th Edition. Norton rocks. 1000 years of poetry.

Vols1 2NortonModern

The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, 3rd Edition. Vols 1 & 2